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Our Program

STI's excellent reputation has been achieved through its good knowledge of the various market segments and by providing proven quality education to develop the Myanmar's most valuable human assets. We offer Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor, Master and 'Teachers' Training qualification. Our program include Bachelor in Engineering, Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, International Business, Master of Financial Services, Master of Engineering, Master of Business Administrator and Master of Education. While Our Teacher Training Programs include Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), Teaching English to Young Learners and Teenagers (TEYLT), Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Post Graduate Leading and Managing for Effective Education, Post Graduate Child Development and Post Graduate Learning, Curriculum and Assessment. Each course program is carefully designed to provide the students with the intellectual foundations necessary to expose them to current knowledge that will help them build successful future and careers with greater community service. Our students are part of our local community with the belief of giving back to the society and they are given the opportunities for the realization of their belief.


Certificate in Business Management – Level 3

​The Foundation of Business Management degree program prepares... readmore


Certificate in Accounting – Level 3

The Foundation of Accounting degree program prepares the students .. readmore


Foundation Certificate in IT -Level 3

The Foundation program is to provide the fundamental knowledge of computer and IT basics... readmore


Foundation Certificate in Engineering -Level 3

Engineering is a key area to support national development... readmore


Foundation Certificate in Engineering (Electronic Systems) Level 3

The Engineering Foundation program is to provide the... readmore


Foundation Certificate in Engineering (Telecommunication Systems) Level 3

This Foundation program is to provide the fundamental knowledge of engineering basics... readmore


Certificate in Public Health – Level 3

This course is a multidisciplinary, flexible degree that provides students with the opportunity to learn key principles in public health, .. readmore